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Writer's picturePerry Sugarman

Exercising for a mountain or trek

Trails with extreme elevation gain require you to have a solid baseline of strength if you want to get up (and down!) the mountain safely and injury-free. So, in addition to hiking, we recommend adding some basic strength training into your schedule.

When most of us exercise, we usually only move in the sagittal plane (moving forwards and backward). But hiking is never done in a straight line. You are constantly stepping around rocks, turning to go down switchbacks, stepping to the side to go around other hikers, etc. To prevent injury and to help strengthen all of your muscles and connective tissue, it’s important to train in all three planes of motion. So whether you’re stuck at home training or just want to supplement your hiking with some strength-based exercises, we’ve compiled a list of ten exercises that will help get you moving in every plane of motion.

However, if you’re new to exercising and/or have existing injuries, please consult a personal trainer or doctor before integrating strength training into your workout routine.



Bosu balls are a great tool to get the ankles and knees ready for hiking. As you work to balance on the shifting ball, you use small, supporting muscles to stabilize your joints.

To perform a Bosu squat, place the ball with the curved (blue) side down. Ideally, you’ll want to stand close to a wall or beam that you can use for support. If you’re a beginner, start with simple bodyweight squats on the ball. Start with your shoes on. If you feel ready and want to activate muscles in your foot, then go barefoot.

Variations: When you feel comfortable on the Bosu Ball, you could try standing with one foot in the middle. Then, grab your gym buddy and play catch with a tennis ball. If you feel the strong burn in the arches of your feet or your calves, you know you’re doing it right.


Before a big hiking trip, you’ll want to strengthen the core muscles so you are prepared to support a heavy load. And planks are one of the best ways to do this. Planks are a full-core (and full-body) isometric exercise that targets the muscles that support your spine and stabilize your low back. But more than that, you’re working out your chest, arms, shoulders, and legs, as well.

Get into a plank position with either your hands or forearms directly under your shoulders. (If you have any wrist trouble, we recommend the forearms.) Squeeze your glutes, engage your core, and press out through your heels to activate your entire lower body. Keep your neck level with your eyes straight forward. Hold for 30 seconds. As you get more comfortable, hold the plank for longer, while always making sure to keep good form.

Side planks are great for strengthening your side body. Again, place either on your left hand or forearm directly under your left shoulder. While your legs are straight and in line with your body, press into your arm or hand to lift onto the edge of your left foot. Raise your right hand towards the ceiling and engage your core. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.

Variations: As you progress, you could try more difficult plank variations. such as using a TRX or bench to support your feet on an incline. Or, you could work your balance by holding a plank with your forearms on a stability ball and your feet on the floor. Last, you could hold a traditional plank while lifting opposite limbs (left arm/right leg) and alternating.


Kneel-Downs (also known as surrenders) are a basic bodyweight exercise that you can perform anywhere. This challenging movement works your entire lower body — but especially your quads. This drill also improves your unilateral balance and coordination as you step up onto one leg at a time. Stay low so you can to really feel the burn. Perform 3 sets of 8 – 12 reps.


While you can probably imagine that Step Ups translate well to hiking strength, Step Downs are just as important — and they can do wonders if you ever experience knee pain while hiking. Step Downs develop the muscles that support your knee, helping you protect your body against injury on the trail. Most people think about the elevation gain on a trail, but anyone who has hiked in steep terrain knows that going downhill can be even more taxing.

You can perform both of these exercises traditionally as well as laterally (side stepping up and down). It’s worth putting both variations into your training plan so your legs get used to eccentric loading from all directions.

Variations: As you master the movements, begin to add weight to your step-ups. Slow down your step-downs to maximize the amount of time your leg muscles as working.


When we think about hiking with elevation gain, we mostly think about the lower body. But having a strong, mobile upper body is crucial. One of the biggest trail complaints (aside from knees) is back pain. This movement will help you strengthen the muscles around your spine and ensure you have the proper shoulder mobility to put your pack on and off.

Sometimes, trails with extreme elevation gain even require you to use your upper body for balance. Or, you may be moving in ways you haven’t moved in years. By creating a well-rounded workout routine that incorporates shoulder strengthening movements, you’ll be prepared for anything the trail throws your way.


To develop strength and balance in the transverse plane (twisting, or rotational), performing traveling lunges with a twist, will increase your rotational strength.

Holding your arms straight out in front of you (you can hold a light 2-5 lb weight as well), step out into a regular lunge. Hold the position when your front thigh is parallel to the ground and twist your torso so that your eyes and hand rotate out to the side of the body of the lead leg. Stay in the lowered position until your hands return to center. Then take the next step and rotate to the other side over that leg as it’s bent as well. Go slow and don’t use momentum.


Banded side steps are great for targeting your smaller, stabilizing muscles that commonly fatigue during hiking.

Place a band around either your ankles or knees and while facing forward, walk sideways. This helps activate and strengthen the gluteus medius along with ligaments in the knees and ankles. Try to keep your head and hips level with a slight bend to the knees and a slight forward lean. Make sure to do both sides. As you build strength, you can use thicker bands to increase the difficulty of the movement.


Pistol squats are great for developing eccentric control of the quadriceps. Most people experience pain when hiking downhill because the quads are already tired and not trained to contract while lengthening. But for many, classic pistol squats are too challenging. Instead, start with this beginner variation before building into the more difficult version.

Start near a bench or chair. Stand on one leg, and extend the other leg in front of you. Slowly squat down until you sit on the bench or chair, keeping the knee pointing forward. Return both feet on the ground, stand up and repeat 10 times on each side for 3 sets.

Variations: Full single-leg pistol squats are challenging enough for most people. However, as you progress past the beginner variation, you can return to standing using only your working leg. Once you’ve masted the pistol squat to the chair, begin to squat deeper to a lower box or the ground.


In order to keep your knees and other joints healthy, you need to strengthen the muscles around them. The calf muscles propel you upward when climbing and help take the strain off the knees when stepping up, so strengthening them is a must.

To perform calf raises, - While standing, raise and lower both heels. Do 3 sets of 25 reps.

Variations: Once you’re acquainted with the movement, you can add weight in a backpack and progress to performing on one leg at a time.


Once you’ve built a solid foundation of strength, you can begin to add plyometrics into your training. Plyometric exercises are powerful aerobic exercises used to increase your speed, endurance, and strength. They require you to exert your muscles to their maximum potential in short periods of time.

Box jumps are a basic plyometric move that focuses on lower-body power development, which will help propel you up the trail. However, this movement is a high-impact activity meant for experienced exercisers only.

If you’re a beginner, have persistent injuries, or have issues with joint stability, stick with more low-impact movements, like dynamic squats (where you drop low and then powerfully stand up without your feet leaving the ground.)

Variations: When you’ve mastered the traditional box jump, try your hand at single-leg box jumps to work the small muscles around your ankle and in your foot. Don’t expect to jump as high as you did with your standard box jumps, though. Start with a very low height box and progress naturally.


Training for elevation gain can be tough, and on some days, you just won’t feel like moving. So, we’ve compiled some tips to help you structure and stick with your schedule even on the hardest days.


If you’re a schedule-oriented person, it helps to write down your exercise schedule in your daily planner. Each day, you’ll know which activity you want to accomplish. When you have weekly training goals without a detailed day-to-day structure, it becomes much easier to push off your workout until the next day (and the next day, and the next day…)

So, at the beginning of each week, write down your daily training (including rest days). The more details you fill in for yourself ahead of time, the easier it will be to follow through when the moment comes.


Nothing breaks a habit faster than unrealistic goals. If you want to start integrating training into your schedule, be conscious of other life factors that take up your time, like kids and work. If you try to jump from a sedentary lifestyle to a five-day training regime, chances are you won’t stick with it. So begin adding exercise to your daily routine in manageable bits. Instead of taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood, throw some water in a backpack and hit your local pup-friendly trail in the mornings. If you don’t have a gym membership, try at-home bodyweight exercises instead of an elaborate gym routine. Then, as your training becomes part of your life, add in more time and complexity.


You wake up and just don’t want to go to the gym today. It happens to all of us — sometimes you feel tired, overworked, or just not motivated. It’s easier to hit snooze and snuggle up under the covers. That’s where an accountability buddy comes in. If you have plans to meet a friend at the gym or a trailhead, you’ll be a lot less likely to bail than if you’re only accountable to yourself.


While training can be a ton of fun on its own, you probably have a goal in mind! At least a week before your trip, begin a “taper period” in which you gradually decrease your exercise length and intensity. If you’ve built up to 15-mile day hikes, bring it down to a nice four-mile stroll the weekend before your big trip. Don’t try to push it hard until the very end or you’ll end up with sore muscles and a tired body. If you want all the hard work you’ve put in to pay off, give yourself time to recover before the main event.

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